Meet Shannon
Your Professional Organizer!

My Story
Being organized and efficient is something that comes naturally to me. It’s something I’ve done throughout my entire life. I have always looked for ways to “make it better.” My motto is to work smarter and not harder. This is something I try to implement into each job that I do. After hearing that I should organize for a living from friends and co-workers on multiple occasions, I investigated this sought-after profession. I joined groups and began reading everything I could get my hands on.
I am detail oriented, enjoy doing research, and am a planner. Organizing allows me to utilize all those skill sets as well as do something I am passionate about. Organizing entails a lot of planning, shopping, problem solving, product research, and attention to detail. These are the things that make me such a great professional organizer.
I have always had a passion for helping others, and decluttering and organizing my clients’ homes has given me the ability to do just that. I love reducing the stress of overwhelmed parents and busy professionals. It is rewarding to see the smiles on their faces at the end of each session, knowing that I have made a positive and productive difference in their daily lives, and brought a sense of peace. That is my absolute favorite part!!!
Now, let’s get started!!